18650 Battery Life Testing
A comparison of traditional survival analysis techniques against machine learning models to predict the life of a battery.
Accelerated Life Testing - Survival Analysis - Machine Learning - Data Visualization
PDX Housing Analysis
An exploration of the PDX housing market (july 2020 - july 2021) and performing a survival analysis of the market in addition to a predictive pricing model.
Survival Analysis - Applied Machine Learning - Data Visualization
Pronoun Bias in 19th Century Novels
Using POS tagging for pronouns to detect objectification, and combined with NER to predict the gender of a character in a text.
Spark NLP - Spacy - NLP
Job Search
Scrapes Jobs From Indeed, LinkedIn, Blind, and SimplyHired. Then leverages users skills in a weighted algorithm to find the best job for them. Also includes a survival analysis of the job market.
Selenium - SQL - Machine Learning
C and Java like interpreter
A full interpreter for a language that is a mix between C and Java. Includes a lexer, parser, and interpreter.
Scheme - Interpreter - Lexer - Parser
WW2 U-Boat Survival Analysis
Scraped together a dataset of every U-Boat in WW2 and their fate. Then performed a survival analysis on the dataset to determine the best course of action for a U-Boat captain.
Survival Analysis - Beautiful Soup - Data Visualization
Fire Lookout
Scrapes wildfire data from various sources and uses fuzzy matching to create a database of wildfires. Then uses a predictive model to predict the likelihood of a wildfire in a given area.
BeautifulSoup - Machine Learning - Data Visualization
Colon Cancer Survival Analysis
Performed a survival analysis on a colon cancer dataset, comparing treatments, age and other factors to determine the best course of action for patients.
Survival Analysis - Survivalverse - Data Visualization
Ti84 Cheat Programs
Programs most built to make math exams and homework easier. Programs build 2013-2016, many by me, many more not by me. Please use and distribute further
Ti Basic - Calculator - Cheat Programs
YT Music AI
Scraps music from YT and stores meta data about music. It then analyzes the music files and learns the characteristics of high performing music. Model is then trained to predict high performing songs, selects underrated music from downloaded.
Machine Learning - Scraping - Google API
Smart Trap
A Livetrap (havahart like) that can detect the type of animal inside and make a decision on triggering the trap or not. It can also send slack notifications to the user.
CV2 - Image Classification - Raspberry Pi
Inky World
Refresh this low energy display every 10 mins with, the news, weather, quotes, deviant art, personal pictures and xkcd comics.
Raspberry Pi - Python - Inky - BeutifulSoup
Google Pinger
A simple script that pings google every 10 s to keep the internet connection alive. When lost it alerts the user and begins to attempt to reconnect.
Requests - Python - Script
Game of Life
An implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Python that allows for the user to set the board size and interact with the board.
Python - Game of Life - Pygame
Kickstarter Success Analysis
Analyzed Kickstarter data to determine what factors lead to a successful campaign.
Data Visualization - Analysis
My Portfolio
The first website I ever made, showcasing my projects and blog posts.
Web Development - HTML - Jekyll